Successful difficult conversations

There is little doubt that having a difficult conversation is tough, regardless of whether you are the most experienced leader or a new manager. So how best should you deal with that situation you know needs to be dealt with in an authentic way, but you have been...

Balancing personal and professional success

One of the most common challenges the leaders I work with face is how to balance one’s professional ambitions and having an enjoyable personal life on the way through. We are a long time working and so need to keep ourselves resilient, and mentally and physically fit...

From individual contributor to rounded leader

It is one of the many ironies of the modern workplace that the better we are at our jobs the more likely we are to be promoted out of them! Too often, as leaders, we come across someone who is fantastic in their role, a brilliant individual contributor, and we feel...

Authentic Leadership

Previously I have discussed the merits of AAA leaders (the As being allyship, autonomy and authenticity). But how are we able to be truly authentic leaders? Thinking about leadership in terms of defiance, compliance and authenticity might help.   Lee and Roberts’...